Concepts are understandings that cross time, place and culture. Imagine that you had a series of telescopes or lenses that when you looked through them you would see the world in a very particular way. This is what concepts help learners do, see that regardless of disciplines or subjects all things are connected and can be viewed in particular ways through conceptual understandings.
The IB PYP has identified seven key concepts to focus all learning in the primary years. However conceptual inquiry is not unique or limited to teaching within the IB. For more ideas feel free to contact us and we can help you develop concept driven inquiry for you and your learners.
PERSPECTIVE: What are some possible points of view?
If you are looking through the PERSPECTIVE ‘telescope’ you will be able to uncover an
idea stretches across time place and culture inviting people to stop, reflect and imagine other possibilities or perspectives. All persons are subject to many influences and will make identity claims that will influence how they see, understand and share what they know about the world around them
For example:
What do you and others think about…?
Explore different observations, feelings and ideas, etc.
How else could something be done?
Why do think…?
Who might see this in similar or different ways?
What might be the multiple ways of seeing, understanding and interacting with an idea, event, belief or action?
What would make it possible for you to practice the ‘art of abandonment’ in order to see things in a new way?
Use the PERSPECTIVE lens to look at these photos…

Image © 2019 Morgan-Belle Holmes-Bradshaw

Image © 2019 Mary-Dense Holmes

Image © 2019 CarlaHolmes

If you were a researcher how might this influence what you see, feel, believe and can share about these images?
Image © 2019 Beconwiz

If you were a musician how might this influence what you see, feel, believe and can share about these images?
Image © 2019 Beconwiz

If you were a refugee how might this influence what you see, feel, believe and can share about these images?
Image © 2019 Beconwiz

Rhonda The Unicorn
By Mary-Denese Holmes, Pearl Holmes and Lilly-Beatrice Holmes
Austin McAuley Publishers 2018

The Rabbit Who Listened
By Cori Doerrfeld
Penguin Young Readers 2018

By Sylvia Liang (Yuchen Liang)
Thames & Hudson 2019

By Libby Hathorn and Gaye Chapman
Little Hare Books 2016
*BCW will now use‘They,their — themself’ as a singular, gender-neutral pronoun in all subsequent material generated on our website.
All Rights Reserved © 2018 Beconwiz All ideas and illustrations are the property of BeConWiz.
BeConWiz Ideas and Thoughts by Carla Holmes, Mary-Denese Holmes, Pearl Holmesis licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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