The icons have been developed to act as cues for parents, teachers and learners.
There are four main icon groups
- Learning Tasks – What can learning look like?
- Learning Environments – Where will learning take place?
- Learning Communities – Who are the people involved in the learning?
- Levels of Understanding – What type of experience is required of the learner before undertaking the task?

A task that involves making collections of different things.

A task that involves the making, building or creating something.

A task that explores different ways of recording ideas through drawing, painting, etc.

Testing or experimenting with ideas, inviting learners to pose or solve problems.

Inviting learners to use the world around them to explore ideas and make discoveries.

Learners have to find items, information, etc related to the learning focus.

Learning games that encourage children to explore ideas or develop certain skills.

Learners are asked to do tasks that involve them putting into action ideas connected to the learning topic.

Tasks that are developed to improve listening skills and provide easy access to content.

Learning that involves looking for or looking closely at images, details, perspectives, etc.

Learning that involves the making a mess in order to develop skills or solve problems.

A physical task that involves movement to develop skills, test ideas or a constructive use of energy.

Learning that involves making a noise and exploring noises.

Play-based learning involves setting up pretend real life or make believe situations, or using everyday play as a source of learning.

Learners are invited to find ways to show and share their own learning or work with others.

Learners are invited to participate in questioning conversations, initiate their own inquiries and reflect on learning they have just done.

Learning that encourages winding down or quiet spaces. It can also involve relation and nap time.

Learners are encouraged to read and reflect on texts. These texts can be books, text int eh real world, digital texts or even ‘reading’ spaces and people around them.

Tasks that involve learners looking at different properties or attributes and using these to sort out objects, feelings, ideas, etc.

Activities where the focus is talking and sharing ideas.

Learners are invites to reflect and think about ideas.

Learners are invites to go out and find items, examples, ideas, connected to a specific topic.

DIGITAL Learning that involves digital technology and wifi access.

PRINT Learning that is connected to printed materials, texts or other forms or print media.

INSIDE Learning that can take place inside or in smaller more confined spaces.

OUTSIDE Learning that requires and outdoor or bigger space that allows for high activity, noisy or messy play.

3-5 years old

6-9 years old

10-13 years old

14 – 17 years old


Learning that can be done individually

2 or more
Learning that needs 2 or more people

Learners have a small amount of prior knowledge to call on.
- I have heard about this idea before
- I’ve heard some of the words you are using
- I think this reminds me of …….
- I couldn’t do this on my own
- I need someone to teach me more about this

Learners have a useable amount of prior knowledge to call on, that may help them begin to engage or attempt things now their own with lots of follow up support. Benefits from modelling.
- I have tried this before
- I remember doing this before with someone
- I know that I have to …….
- Sometimes I remember what to do, but I could use some help
- I can do some parts of it on my own, but I still need help with other parts

Learners have a lot of prior knowledge and new knowledge and understandings to draw on, and can apply this knowledge in familiar situations.
- I can do this, but sometimes I need help with different parts
- I can do it on my own when the setting is familiar
- I am curious about how I might use this in other places or situations
- I am beginning to explore how to pose problems connected to this knowledge or skill
- I can see mistakes and attempt to revise or fix them up
- I can do a bunch steps together, so my working process flows more easily

Learners have connected prior knowledge and new knowledge and are now beginning to transfer these understandings and skills to new situations.
- I can transfer this idea and use it in a new problem situation
- I can model what I doing to someone else
- I am curious about how I might be able to adapt the my current knowledge
- I can problem solve independently
- I can justify my choices and challenge choices
- I see when I’ve made a mistake and revise it, this improves my strategies and choices when I revise and reflect

Learners have consolidated knowledge, skills and understandings. They have developed attitudes and learning positions that leave them open to discovering more from others
- I can explain my thinking and describe my skills clearly
- I can model my thinking and choices
- I can help people find out how the knowledge and skills are connected to other things
- I can and do analyse my ideas and skills and how this connects to learning others are developing
- I am open to explaining, analysing, justifying, adapting and challenging my choices
- I am respectful and curious about the multiple ways of using this knowledge or skill.
- I see mistakes as opportunities
- I can mentor someone who is new to this idea, process or skill, in ways that work for them
- I know that I still have a lot to learn and am open to discovering new things from the apprentices I am working with.