Use one or more of the recipes and give the materials to your child. For younger toddlers, just let them experiment with the materials as they would in messy play. For older children, help the follow a recipe. If you want you and your child(ren) can follow or record the steps you use in pictorial form, maybe adding key verbs to describe the actions you took to crate the mixture

Parent Tolerance/Energy Level Required
- Medium to high
- Fun ideas if you really feel like exploding things

- One brave adult to set up
- One or more children.

- Outdoor, where it can messy and can be easily hosed down for clean-up.
- Indoor, not recommended at all, but hey who are we to tell you what to do.

See recipes for materials needed or use materials that can be combined to create new or unusual mixtures.

Clean up
Moderate to significate, depending on how adventurous your child(ren) are.